Fake Friday

Today is Fake Friday. On Fake Friday we discuss and, hopefully, eat foods that taste like other foods. It is all about those interesting recipes we come across that are titled “Mock”. It is not exactly clear why we would want to eat a mock apple pie when...

A Surprise in the Back of an Old Cookbook.

A Surprise Find It has been said many times on this blog, and it is so true, that without new information, new perspective, new stimulus or whatever you want to call it, new things can not be created. Innovation can not happen without making new connections. What...

11 Questions For Andrea Lynn

Innovation is not possible without new perspective. If new information is not brought to the proverbial party, nothing new can be created. One of the best sources of new information are subject matter experts. Expert insights can help us make all sorts of new...

Happy (Inter)National Breakfast Month!

It is fascinating what is eaten for breakfast the world over. The international breakfast plate is, in many cases, so different from our own. Part of innovating is getting a new perspective and international breakfasts are a great place to find stimulus when we want...

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