16 Ice Cream Ideas: Knickerbocker Glories

Who doesn’t love a few good ice cream ideas come Summer time? I remember as a child how great it tasted to mow down on a cold scoop of mint chocolate chip, topped off with extra chips. Now as an adult, refreshingly delicious ice cream still has a place in my...

Innovation Series Part 4: Generating New Ideas

Welcome back to the Be A Kitchen Innovator blog series on The Knickerbocker Glory! This is the fourth post in the series that will discuss Idea Generation. I hope you find it useful. Generating New Ideas In the first, second and third posts of this series we talked...

Innovation Series Part 1- Stating Your Purpose

Welcome to the Be a Kitchen Innovator Blog Series on The Knickerbocker Glory. This post is the first post in the series and covers the all important first step of innovation – writing a statement of purpose. The post will explore creating a statement of purpose...

Innovation Series – Be A Kitchen Innovator

Time To Innovate Hello Everyone! I hope the New Year has kicked off well for you! As you might know, The Knckerbocker Glory Blog was created to help its readers create something new in the kitchen and beyond using simple innovation techniques. At its core, the blog is...

Knickerbocker Glory on Kindle and Nook!

This Just In…For all of you e-reader lovers out there Knickerbocker Glory: A Chef’s Guide to Innovation in the Kitchen and Beyond is now available on Kindle and...

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