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How To Make Cold Brew Coffee
During the summer months (and winter, too), I rather enjoy my coffee beverages in a cold state rather than warm. Because of smooth taste and ease of production, I have been swept up in the cold brew coffee craze. I admit that prior to knowing how to make cold brew coffee, or even knowing it existed, I drank your run of the mill iced coffee. Nothing wrong with it, but every time I make a cold brew coffee, I am reminded that a cold coffee can be much, much better. Plus, the buzz is crazy. I once had 2 in succession – oops. Buuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

Make Cold Brew Coffe and Make More Buzz
I am really amazed at the buzz that you can get from a cold brew coffee. In those moments after consumption, I often hope to myself that I have not over done it. Moments after, I am usually in a caffeine induced tetany of sorts. Everything is flexed and all jittery. I say to myself, “perhaps tomorrow I should make cold brew coffee with less coffee concentrate”. That seems to be quickly forgotten. Cold brew gives me the type of jitters that shake me to my food blogging core. Never have blog posts been produced faster than when I am under the influence. Slurp…buzz….publish.

How To Make Cold Brew Coffee – The Details
If you too wish to participate and know almost everything to know about how to make cold brew coffee, read on. There is not that much to it. I have a simple cold brew coffee brewer by Filtron to help me get the job done. I like the Fltron because it is very easy to use and relatively inexpensive. Of course, a mason jar and some coffee filters will do the trick, too.
The act of soaking the medium coarse ground beans in cold water for an extended period of time is how the magic happens. Since the cold water doesn’t solubilize the acids in the coffee beans, the concentrate produces a beverage that is very smooth. The long soak also helps coax out the different flavors that are hidden in the bean, perhaps destroyed or covered up by other flavors that are brewed out with hot water. The big issue is that the brewing time is anywhere between 12 and 24 hours, but it is a set it and forget it operation. The great cup of coffee on the other end makes it worth the time!
How To Make Cold Brew Coffee – The Beans
Of course, the beans matter, too. Each place of origin will have a different flavor profile – Ethiopian beans tend to make cold brew coffee that is fruitier while a Columbian bean might be more chocolatey. This is the part that needs experimentation. Try lots of different beans until you find the ones you like. It might take time, but there will be plenty of buzz in between.
The ratio of bean to water to use is 1 part coffee to 4 parts cold water by weight. This works out to be about a pound of coffee to 8 cups of water. This can be scaled down for use in a mason jar or scaled up when you make cold brew coffee in your cold brew coffee brewer. The concentrate can then be diluted to taste. I like a dash of simple syrup in my cold brew. Of course, a dash of cream is a nice addition, too.

How To Make Cold Brew Coffee – The Ice Cream?
In the hottest part of summer, never doubt the beauty of a scoop of ice cream in your cold brew! It makes for a fine beverage. A cold brew sweetened and made creamy by some nice homemade ice cream is a thing of beauty.
The “how to make cold brew coffee” video is below.
Need something to dunk in your cold brew? How about some shortbread? Or Banana Bread?
I hope you enjoy!
Keep Eating! Keep Innovating!
Do you make cold brew coffee? What kind of beans do you use? Let us know in the comments or on Facebook.
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