Easy Desserts – Profiteroles, Cream Puffs and Choux A’la Normande
We have already covered the versatility of choux paste. The best cheese puffs ever are made from choux paste. It shouldn’t surprise you then that plenty of easy desserts can also be made from choux paste. The famous profiteroles, delightful cream puffs, and a lesser known but totally delicious lighter cousin, choux a’la normande (which I have taken the liberty of interpreting into the dessert below), not to mention eclairs!
With cheese puffs, the choux paste dough is savoury, but to accommodate the dessert aspect of the easy desserts we want to make, the dough needs to be sweetened. A simple addition of sugar is all we need. Indeed, if we did not want to stuff the choux pastry, we could simply bake and eat the pastry as a sweet puff cookie of sorts. These would probably qualify as very easy sweet desserts.
The fillings are where the magic happens, but it does not have to be complicated. Fresh whipped cream will do fine. Profiteroles are classically stuffed with ice cream and doused with chocolate. And an apple compote is used to stuff the little choux pastes for choux a’la normande. The apple goes well with a nice caramel sauce instead of chocolate.
Here is how to make the sweet choux paste for these easy desserts. Following this recipe are a few recipes that will make great fillings.

I hope you enjoy.
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