I don’t know how people function without a good cup of steaming hot coffee in the morning. Unless of course it’s 100 degrees outside. In which case, I don’t know how people function without a good cup of refreshing iced coffee in the morning.

Iced Coffee - Knickerbocker GloryIt’s true. The dogs days of Summer are here and I can’t get enough iced coffee. In fact, I’ve been playing with the coffee to cream to flavorings ratio every day and just when I think I’ve hit a high (caffeinated as well as best flavor combination ever), I discover something new.

It all started with a bit of refrigerated drip coffee in a glass, I tossed in some ice cubes and a splash of whole milk and I called it a day. Now? Now…. The combinations I’ve discovered have created a whole new world of taste sensations. From adding chocolate or caramel syrup to almond flavorings to whipping up some whipped cream to dollop on top (complete with shaved dark chocolate and a cherry) – it’s amazing how different coffee can look and taste depending on how we showcase it. If I’m feeling particularly adventurous, even a splash of Kahlua or Bailey’s Irish Cream can take a standard cup of cold coffee to new levels.

Now, the way you brew the coffee will affect its taste as well. As with cooking, creating drinks that generate real “WOW!” moments starts with quality ingredients and care to how the backbone of the beverage is made. Think about a really good pasta sauce. It all starts with fresh, seasonal tomatoes, right? You want to taste the tomato in the tomato sauce.

The same is true with coffee. From the bean to the method of brewing, it all changes the overall texture and flavor of your iced coffee. In a pinch, I’m happy to make a large pot of drip coffee or even a good French Press brew and stick it in the fridge for the morning. But if you have a bit of extra time (and love) on your hands, The Pioneer Woman certainly has the bar set. Add that oozy sweetened condensed milk and it really is perfect iced coffee!

Iced Coffee Ideas - Knickerbocker Glory

The best thing about my daily iced coffee fix? The recent discovery that I can even drizzle it over ice cream or into a Blueberry Fool for a totally decadent, refreshing and energizing Summer treat! Yesterday I grabbed a lady finger as a garnish and dunked away for a beverage spin on Tiramisu.

Seriously. This is delicious. This is Summer. This is iced coffee inspiration!

Of course, my experiences with iced coffee are just a starting point. You could add any flavor you love and garnish however you like. You could even take it to a whole other dimension by freezing it as a popsicle (and dunk it in tempered chocolate) or make it into ice cubes so your drink doesn’t get watered down. Now we’re talkin creativity in the kitchen!

Keep Eating! Keep Innovating!

How do you innovate your iced coffee? Favorite flavor additions? How do you brew it? What about your hot coffee? Share your thoughts below or on our Facebook Page!

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