Sometimes even the most seasoned chefs get stuck when it comes to creating a recipe. Finding the inspiration for new and exciting recipe ideas can be daunting task – particularly when you don’t know where to begin.

How do you know something will taste good? Or how to cook an onion in such a way that brings out its innate sweet, aromatic onionness? Or the difference between a dice, chop and slice? Or which flavors pair well with each other? Or what the latest, greatest and most innovative techniques or ingredients are? So many questions! And if you’re reading this now, prepare yourself for so many answers!

The entire premise of The Knickerbocker Glory and The Culinary Exchange (that’s us) is to help you on your own unique (and tasty!) food journey, providing tips, tricks and all things creatively culinary. We want you to feel prepared and excited to cook something new in your own kitchen so we’re starting a new series called “Recipe Ideas”. A collection of blog articles meant to get you from here to there. There being a culinary genius. Or at least, a confident, capable and creative cook!

Creating new flavors and glorious culinary experiences – or wow moments, as we call them – where one thing connects to another and you have that “Ah HA!” moment (both in your mouth and your brain) is what makes cooking so exciting. It’s a creative art that any person can master if given the right tools, guidance and experimentation. You need not go to a prestigious culinary school to make insanely delicious and beautiful meals for your loved ones, simply a bit of basic knowledge and the courage to try something different.

So tell us:

What’s your MOST PRESSING kitchen dilemmas? What’s the one thing you wish you knew about cooking, ingredients or the creative process? What mystifies you?  Curious about a style of food or cooking? Who do you admire in the kitchen? Do you cook for yourself or your family? Are you a beginner cook or a seasoned chef? What tools, techniques or dishes do you hold dear? What recipe ideas can we help you with? What inspires you? What confuses you? What’s the one thing you want to master in the kitchen? Is there a particular seasonal ingredient you wish you knew more about?

Let us help you. Let us inspire you. Let us cook something new WITH you!

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And ask us your most pressing cooking, recipe and culinary questions!

Keep Eating! Keep Innovating!
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