How To Make Chicken And Pineapple In The Slow Cooker
How To Make Chicken And Pineapple Here are three things to love - chicken, pineapple and the slow cooker. Put them together and you have a week night meal that feels like your days in Waikiki, without all the hassle of travel and jet lag. Of course, you should take...

How To Make Bean Salad – An Easy Recipe
How To Make Bean Salad - the Bean Eaters writers Dilemma When writing about how to make bean salad one must ask if the post will focus on the humorous side of beans or will it take a more utilitarian approach? Should a blog post about how to make bean salad touch upon...

How To Make Amaretti Cookies
How To Make Amaretti Cookies I am a bit of a dunker. I like to dunk and dip foods. The joy of dunking a cookie a some liquid always exceeds my expectations. Whether it be mocha cookies dunked in milk or chocolate chip cookies dipped in what I believe to be the elixir...

How To Make Chocolate Scones – Easy Recipe
How To Make Chocolate Scones I love a good scone! Yep, I have talked about it before. It is just nice to sit with a cup of coffee (my favorite is cold brew coffee - even in winter!) and enjoy a nice baked good. I am a bit of a dunker so coffee and a scone works for me...

How To Make Pumpkin Pie With Fresh Pumpkin
How To Make Pumpkin Pie With Fresh Pumpkin It seems odd to have a How To Make Pumpkin Pie With Fresh Pumpkin post outside the scope of Thanksgiving, but I have been feeling lately that we eat a lot of things for Thanksgiving that we should eat more often during the...

How To Make Cranberry Orange Muffins
How To Make Cranberry Orange Muffins with StreuselIsn't it nice when you find a nice surprise item in the freezer that you sort of forgot about but piques your interest when you come across it? Not sure how those cranberries I found escaped the Thanksgiving feast and...

How To Make Chocolate Coconut Macaroons
How To Make Chocolate Coconut MacaroonsIt is always amazing how the simplest of cookies are the best. Take amaretti for instance. Stir together almond meal and egg white with some sugar and bake it up and you have a wonderfully delicious cookie without a bunch of...

How To Make Lemon Muffins
How To Make Lemon Muffins With all the fuss about blueberry muffins, it is amazing that other muffins can rise above the super food blueberry muffin noise, but a good lemon muffin should not be ignored. If done correctly, they can have a nice zingy lemoniness to them....

How To Make Coconut Macaroons
How To Make Coconut Macaroons - An Easy RecipeIt is always amazing how the simplest of cookies are the best. Take amoretti for instance. Stir together almond meal and egg white with some sugar and bake it up and you have a wonderfully delicious cookie without a bunch...

How To Make Blueberry Muffins
How To Make Blueberry Muffins Yes, the obligatory How To Make Blueberry Muffin post. What exactly is our fascination with blueberry muffins? There are many ways to enjoy blueberries - in a fool, in a tart, in a pie, in a quick bread - but blueberry muffins seem big....